Safe some time in your daily routine by setting up a „new.c4d“ file in the program root folder of Cinema 4D containing your settings you like the most or need to use a lot (e.g. apect ratio, antialising, your preferred render engine…) . Every time you create a new file in Cinema you are ready to […]
Have you ever asked yourself how to create your own content browser library in Cinema 4D. It is much easier as you might think. via:
Hey out there, i really would like to start a new thing here on this blog. I would like to invite you to post your or your favorite tutorial related to Maxon Cinema 4D down to the Comments. I will check the comments afterwards an share them later on this Blog. Otherwise i would like […]
Motion Squared presents a Free Cinema 4D Light Kit. Download it here : via:
I just found a video about using cmNodesShader which is a free Plugin for Cinema. cmNodesShader could help you creating materials, shaders and textures using a visual interface. Richard Squires will guide you through the first steps. via: Download download cmNodesShader at